
Ipicture vtable all instances
Ipicture vtable all instances

ipicture vtable all instances
  1. #Ipicture vtable all instances update
  2. #Ipicture vtable all instances Patch
  3. #Ipicture vtable all instances code
  4. #Ipicture vtable all instances iso
  5. #Ipicture vtable all instances windows

Very Nice, DX10 vsync always was buggy and could limit games itself incorect kaboo.

#Ipicture vtable all instances Patch

This patch by matsuri makes playing with vsync a lot nicer, so thanks for that one  ) Note: For now its directx 10 only, due to dx9 needing a swapchain reset. Revision 1526 Plugin interface / GSdx changes that binds the GSdx vsync option to the pcsx2 framelimiter. will get rid of it later if it doesn't help. Add a little "hack" to Mechacon command 0x80. Add a condition to print which shouldn't be printing always. Remove unnecessary re-checks at startup, so the cdvd info only shows up once (and every time the plugin notifies of a disk change). Revision 1525 Give more information about the active disk even in Release builds. Revision 1524 Cleaner version of the EE reset optimisation, there's no particular reason not to skip these steps every time so there's no need for a second function. Revision 1523 Tweak for recompiler resets, helps a bit against the stalls when those happen. Revision 1522 Just a tiny cleanup, nothing interesting. Am I wrong or SPU-X uses intrinsic memcpy routines instead of optimized ones? And if so why not to use optimized ones? Revision 1521 SPU2-X: Tagged public release v1.2 ltrap. gigaherz Eh message should say "Cleaned up Disk Type detection code, and fixed detection of CDs" or something like that :P Revision 1520 Cleaned up Disk Type detection code, when workign with CDs, which in turn fixes CD-based games booting (as far as I can tell). Added the possibility for plugins supporting getBuffer2 to return -2, meaning "still busy". Revision 1518 Fixed broken blockdumping in last change.

#Ipicture vtable all instances update

Revision 1517 SPU2-X: Just the version update Revision 1516 Linux: Added the new menu options, and cdvd/bios running doesn't reset the emulator on Linux, either. refraction Eject should be in the cdvd plugin rather than the emulator itself, else things could get quite confusing and the emulator may not be able to remount the dvd if you swap. Why not have a "Eject CD/DVD" function from the file menu in the same way that psx (the ps1 emulator) does it? And have cd/dvd changing done via that method.

#Ipicture vtable all instances iso

>_Run* options won't reset the emulation, so it might be possible to swap discs properly from nodisc, iso or whatever cdvd plugin has been selected (to switch between iso/cdvdplugin/nodisc, it's necessary to use the file menu options, as run->execute will not update the active cdvd interface). I'm sure GCC hates no less than 27.3% of my new code. Jake.Stine Ok, just tested Devel targets, works fine here. Linux is broken at the moment, and I haven't tested devel or release targets lately.

#Ipicture vtable all instances windows

The branch should build and run fine under Windows and in Debug build target. Go to the Plugins panel to see some fanciness. I'll remove it later on my next commit, whenever that is.  ) Jake.Stine Further info, since this branch is very nearly to the point where it'll be usable: The Settings dialog box is now correctly bound to the Config->Settings menu. Jake.Stine Beh, just noticed I accidentally added Linux/HostGui.cpp, which isn't needed. * Dev note: Re-enabled USE_STL in wxWidgets since that's required to ensure thread safety. Revision 1505 wxgui: Added plugin selection dialog (complete with plugin enumeration and an exceedingly fancy progress bar), fixed some menus, added isofile recent lists, and lots more stuff is correctly saved and loaded from the configuration file.

#Ipicture vtable all instances code

Jake.Stine on the wx side of things I'll remove all the win32 specific code and end up converting most or all of the filename code to wxString, wxFileName, and wx's built in directory contents enumerators. Revision 1504 Minor code conformity cleanups and svn properties settings for new cdvd code. Still don't have time to actually implement adding the new features yet in Linux. Can't get it, still one core kept going 100% while running BIOS on pcsx2-r1550. RebelliousX Just wondering, anybody was able to profile PCSX2 (Release build) under AQtime? I only succeeded profiling it with the debug build with all recompilers off -_- zantezuken Jake: Properly do you say: :((( Supe. or there is something that reads the exe as soon as it is linked but before the manifest file is appended, it happens to me a lot when aqtime reloads the profiled module. " Jake.Stine That's the manifest generator, and the error means it's probably crashing due to some corrupted database or object file information. >_Projekt : error PRJ0002 : Fehler "31" wurde von "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\mt.exe" zurückgegeben.

ipicture vtable all instances

Revision 1500 Shit I'm commit-spamming again.

Ipicture vtable all instances